At the heart of Primetime Martial Arts is Melissa Apple Sioson. Apple, or Coach Apple, as she is known to everyone, is thirty years old and has been surrounded by Martial Arts nearly her entire life. She was a very young child when she first watched her older brother began his Martial Arts instruction. She was told she was too young to start but remained very focused on her Karate dreams.
Eventually she did start with Buhisan’s USA Martial Arts at the young age of seven and she continued non-stop through her 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree Blackbelts with four of her closest friends, before they graduated high school. Apple also started assisting with her young friends as an Underbelt and has contributed to the development of countless Martial Artists for nearly twenty years.
Apple also has a Bachelors Degree in Sociology, which she earned at the University of South Carolina while still teaching and training in the Martial Arts. Apple has also had the pleasure of competing with fellow Martial Artists, nationally and internationally, in the National Blackbelt League (NBL) in which she has earned six World Titles and the friendship and admiration of her fellow Martial Artists across the globe. Her love of competition fueled her desire to become a tournament promoter and, she now runs her very own “Nationally” sanctioned Sin City Rumble in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Apple has been a Professional Nanny for the last several years applying her knowledge and experience from her academic career, as well as her Martial Arts career, expanding on her Child Development skills.
Apple has devoted herself to enriching the lives of others, especially young children, through the Martial Arts. She takes her love of the sport and her dedication to Self-Respect, Self-Discipline and Self-Confidence and provides a positive, fun and growth-oriented experience to all of her students.
Apple is now a 5th Degree Master Instructor through the Buhisan’s USA Martial Arts system and welcomes all new students to share her love of the Martial Arts and see what great things can be accomplished.